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Can old media becomes new media through smart investments? Tough to say, but Hearst is involved with investments in several promising companies in the online and mobile video space.
I visited Micheal Dunn, Vice President of Hearst Interactive Media. Michael is involved with evaluating investments and acquisitions in the digital space for Hearst. He looks a many companies and does due dilligence on prospective deals.
The company has made investments in some good ones including MobiTV, Slingbox, Brightcove and the NewsMarket.
He told me that Hearst makes investments in companies which will provide a return on investment. And, equally important are portfolio companies which provide technology ideas that can be valuable to Hearst and its broad range of media properties including newspapapers, magazines, cable television networks, television stations and a multitude of online properties.
Michael has been CTO at Dell and Time Warner. He’s also longtime videoblogger — check out his skiing videos done with a digital camera and hosted on Blip.TV — looks pretty snazzy to me.
Michael also helped with technical advice on the new Hearst headquarters which has been getting notices in the technology media, among other places.
Speaking of established media companies and executives making transformations happen, you should read this interview with former Disney CEO Michael Eisner with NewTeeVee’s Liz Gannes. Interesting to see what he’s up to with the Vuguru.
YouTube Grows as MySpace Video Views are "Treading Water"
Read this report on NewTeeVee about the latest traffic on the major online video sharing site.
Hearst Interactive Media,
Micheal Dunn,
Wireless Video,
Mobile Video,
Online Video