In Los Angeles last week, I had a chance to sit down with Padmasree Warrior, Executive VP and CTO of Motorola. She was a keynote speaker at the AlwaysOn Hollywood conference.
Entertainment is moving to the "tiny screen," as Laura Holson wrote in today’s New York Times — and Motorola plans to play a bigger role this trend.
Padmasree said that more video will be consumed on devices — both through downloads and by removable memory cards containing entire films. She showed off the new MOTORIZR Z8, which is currently available in Europe. It provides super smooth playback of 30 frames per second. She calls the phone a "video device."
Here’s a review of the phone on Engadget.
Padmasree says that mobile devices are the new "media gateways." Surely with new devices like the Z8 and the Apple iPhone coming on market, this trend is about to accelerate.
— Andy Plesser