Sarah Meyers, whose daily show Pop17, a joint production with Rocketboom, has been gaining attention recently. It is really very good. I particularly like this segment about Beet.TV!!!
Like superstar blogger Robert Scoble who has both an edited and a live show on, Sarah does two as well. Here’s her live channel.
Robert uses QIK. Sarah uses Flixwagon. Both use the Nokia N95.
Beyond the live audience for these video casts, the clips are saved and archived by both services onto YouTube. This means the audience for these livecasts are far larger over time.
Earlier this month, YouTube announced an API to allow streams from QIK and Flixwagon to upload directly to YouTube. Robert reported the QIK this first earlier this month. Flixwagon announced the news on its blog a few days later.
It is the archival use of these video clips which hold the promise of this new technology.
In addition to live uploading to these live streaming services, Sarah explains later in this interview how the 3GP files on the Nokia can be downloaded into a editing system.
— Andy Plesser