CNET, now part of CBS, and CBS News are collaborating on the coverage of the Democratic and Republican national conventions.  Three staffers, Declan McCullagh, Stephanie Condon, and Kara Tsuboi, will be covering, writes editor Dan Farber today.

He says the reporters "will be on the scene, covering the tech policies and positions of the
presidential and vice presidential candidates. In addition, they will
be roaming the convention floors, interviewing delegates, politicians,
and pundits on tech-related issues such as Net neutrality, Internet
taxation, and privacy."

Each night during the convention, Katie Couric will host a live Webcast from 10-11 Eastern.  The show is being co-produced by CBS News and CNET and will stream on both sites.  Above is a promotional video from CBS.

More Politics Online: Obama and McCain Together on MySpace Tomorrow

Tomorrow in California at the Saddleback Church, both Barack Obama and John McCain will participate in a forum on faith conduced by Pastor Rick Warren.  The webcast will be on the church’s MySpace page from 5-7 p.m. PDT.

— Andy Plesser

Disclaimer:  CNET Networks is client of Plesser Holland public relations.