Video downloading via iTunes is a massive platform for video producers.  For publishers and advertisers, there are problems:  Although publishers know who subscribes or downloads videos via iTunes, they don’t know much more.  Moreover, advertising served into videos are “baked-in” to files., the New York online video publishing site, has a solution, according to CEO and co-founder Mike Hudack.

Mike made the announcement of this new product offering at our online video roundtable at the digital cafe.

TechCrunch co-editor Erick Schonfeld, who was a moderator of the conference, first blogged about this development a few moments ago.

There are other companies which serve dynamic advertising into downloadable media. Kiptronic and Podaddies are some of the best established.  It may well be that the tracking aspect is the big news here.  Any thoughts? Please comment.

More on Mike and in this story by Peter Kafka at AllThingsD.  Peter started this week.  Congrats on new gig.

Here is the press release.

Andy Plesser, Executive Producer

Disclaimer: publishes our Flash files, distribtutes our podcast via iTunes and represents the Purple Channel in advertising sales on a non-exclusive basis.