Social entertainment center Boxee has been one of Beet’s favorite start-ups since its alpha launch this summer. It’s been improving steadily since then, and today it announced that Netflix subscribers can now stream movies through the site’s Watch Instantly feature and that is has expanded its television content to include thewb.com shows like Buffy The Vampire Slayer. Boxee already streams content from Hulu, CBS, Comedy Central, Last.fm and Flickr.
I interviewed Boxee CEO Avner Ronen in July and he gave me a demo of its sleek interface. You can read my previous post here.
In October, Boxee introduced a patch to jailbreak AppleTV, but the new Netflix access unfortunately doesn’t work on that version of Boxee; AppleTv’s 1 Gz processor couldn’t handle it, Ronen explains on the Boxee Blog.
—Kelsey Blodget, Associate Producer