LAS VEGAS — With newspaper and other media sites going multimedia, the AP is finding fast-rising demand for its online video news products, Bill Burke who heads up global online video for the AP tells Beet.TV
Even local television sites, which produce their own content, are seeking outside video to help monetize their Web sites, he told us in this interview on the floor of the NAB convention.
While text and photography can be obtained from various sources, quality news video is expensive to produce. It is not a commodity. The AP, which charges customers per clip or by packages, hopes to grow this into a big business.
In Las Vegas, the news service announced a new digital product which bundles text, graphic and video, called Open Wire.
Here's an interview with Bill up on Fierce Online Video.
AP is Talking Tough About Google, Threatens Boycott
AP's chief executive Tom Curley is not letting up on his attacks on Google, according to this interviewed published in Forbes.
Andy Plesser, Executive Producer