SAN FRANCISCO — While the Webisode is not dead, many of the big media players who had made sizable commitments to creating Web-original entertainment content, have thrown in the towel.
This was the consensus of media execs from CBS, Fox and Comcast speaking at the Beet.TV Online Video Roundtable.
Karin Gilford, formerly a top video entertainment exec at Yahoo, now at Comcast, explains the difficulty in reaching scale. Anthony Soohoo explains the challenge in creating content in the "noisy" world of the Web. Gregg Colvin at Fox says that Web consumer gravitate to established brands.
While the big players are largely aggregating content or repurposing broadcast content online, a new world of niche players are finding audiences and building successful businesses. This new group of content creators were represented on the panel by Jim Louderback of Revision3, John Evershed of Mondo Media and Keith Richman of Break Media.
Andy Plesser, Executive Producer