In a profile of Mediagazer editor Megan McCarthy just out in the American Journalism Review, VentureBeat executive edtor and former boss Owen Thomas calls her "the cyborborg of news, the borg queen of the blogosphere."
He explains her value in changing journalism ecosystem: "Megan is not a storyteller. She's a natural story collector. Increasingly, that's a role that has value."
Bring Your Algorithm to Lunch
We caught up with her yesterday for lunch in Manhattan. While we dined on hanger steak and cobb salad, the site's powerful algorithm was busy scouring the Web and indexing stories. Between bites, Megan glanced at her site on her Andrdoid to watch the site being updated, giving the human supervision necessary.
About the technology, she said that the powerful system created by Techmeme founder Gabe Rivera indexes "the entire media system industry."
Recently, Claire Cain Miller of The New York Times reported on the rise of Techmeme, Rivera and the launch of Mediagazer.
Andy Plesser