LAS VEGAS — The Huffington Post has become increasingly video centric as the giant news site integrates video into most of its pages, says Karen Cahn, General Manger of Branded Experiences for AOL, in this inteview with Beet.TV
Among the new Web-original shows being readied is one starring Arianna Huffington called "Fearless Living," based" the the founder's book about life choices. The show debuts this spring.
Today, comScore said that AOL had 40 million unique video viewer watching 450 million videos in December. Tonight, Forbes.com reports that the Huffington Post will launch a live, linear video channel delivered over IP.
I spoke with Cahn at the awards program for the International Academy of Web Television on Thursday evening at the Venetian. Below is a photo of Cahn and the IAWTV chairman Paul Kontonis, a VP at Digitas.