The one-day marketplace for Web original videos in New York, called the Digitas NewFront, an annual event over the past five years, has greatly expanded this year to become a two-week program with the participation of the major video portals along with top Web studio creators and syndicators.
The new industry-wide program is called the Digital Content NewFronts. Founding partners include AOL, Digitas, Google/YouTube, Hulu, Microsoft Advertising and Yahoo. Newly announced partners now include Vevo, Web video shops including Alloy Digital and Digital Broadcasting Group and others.
Earlier this month at the Beet.TV Executive Retreat in Vieques, we spoke with Paul Kontonis, VP/Group Director at Digitas and one of the key architects of the Digital Content NewFronts, about the upcoming program and the emerging opportunities for brands around Web original programming.
The Digitas NewFronts day is April 26. Digitas is the only advertising agency hosting a NewFronts program.
Andy Plesser