VIEQUES, PR — I sure was glad to get out New York early Friday morning just before the snowstorm and get down to Vieques, the Caribbean island just 10 miles off the eastern shore of Puerto Rico. It's been five years since we discovered the place and nearly four since we've owned our home which we call Casa de Los Frutales, Spanish for The Fruit Trees.
I am here with my wife Kathy and daughter Becky. And, yes, we have decent broadband connection, so I can keep up with my video blogging.
Today's New York Times has a story titled, "Prosperity after the bombs stopped," a report about the dramatic changes in real estate here since the Navy stopped bombing in 2003. Like nearly everywhere, the prices have come down since then due to the economic climate, the paper reports. Well, we're not looking to sell, just enjoying the beauty of the place.
I shot a little video of our house and the incredible view. I've published it on this page.
If think you can come down, here's a site with solid information. If you need any advice, let, send me a note at andy (at) beet.tv
— Andy Plesser, Executive Producer