Leading online media studio For Your Imagination introduced two new networks in 2009: personal finance network GEQ and fashion network Glampede, CEO Paul Kontonis told me at the Mogulus studio in SoHo last month. Video social entertainment platform Joost will begin distributing the new shows, as well as shows from existing FYI networks The Green House, DadLabs and Axis of Comedy.
In the segment, Kontonis says that although sponsorships for the videos grew significantly in 2008, branded entertainment still accounts for the vast majority of revenue.
"Until the media side really gets its act together and understands how to buy sponsorships in online video, you're going to see a lot more on the branded side because that's starting from the creative groups that are much more willing to jump into the space, play with those experimental dollars," he says.
FYI appeals to advertisers because of its dual offering of entertainment and informational content as well as specific audience demographics, according to Kontonis. He also describes FYI's four-tier distribution strategy.
— Kelsey Blodget, Associate Producer