Online TV delivery service Move Networks more than doubled the number of viewers watching its streamed content in 2008 to 55 million a year, up from 25 million in 2007, the company announced yesterday. Although those numbers are modest compared with big video sites, like Hulu, which streams to around 23 million viewers a month, this is impressive growth for the Utah start-up.
Andy interviewed Move Networks CEO John Edwards at the AlwaysOn conference this summer about the company's adaptive streaming technology, which delivers high-definition video that doesn't buffer. The quality of the service has earned move big-name clients like ABC Television and Fox. I republished the interview here.
Erick Schonfeld at TechCrunch has a story about the site's growth as well: He writes that the 100 million hours of HD content Move streamed in 2008 will be dwarfed across the major web video services this year as YouTube and others add HD sections.
–Kelsey Blodget, Associate Producer