TV Everywhere, the big move by cable operators to put content on the Web for subscribers to watch on PC's and mobile devices, will be beneficial to many industry players, according to Will Richmond, industry consultant and editor of the authoritative site VideoNuze.
We caught up with Will on Tuesday night at his industry event called VideoSchmooze at the Hudson Theater in Times Square. Great turnout of 250 attendees.
I spoke off-camera with Matt Stauss, Comcast Senior VP for New Media about his company's efforts around TV Everywhere. Matt was one of Will's panelists.
He said that the service would offer just selected programs as a number of rights issues need to sorted out. Despite these issues, he said it is important to roll out the system now and have it grow.
He suggested the platform is akin to the early days of cable television, when just a few channels were provided.
And, he suggested that eventually subscription to TV Everywhere will be offered beyond the geographic footprint of the Comcast cable services.
TV Everywhere is picking up more industry attention, including a new initiative from Nielsen to measure metrics for the emerging platform which was announced this week.
Andy Plesser, Executive Producer