While the audiences for viewing of live events might be relatively small, it can be influential for the publishers seeking to build a brand, says Jim Louderback, CEO of Revision3, the producer and syndicator of tech and lifestyle online video programming.
Jim mentions this in during an extended segment from our Beet.TV Online Video Roundtable in San Francisco. You can find his comments at 3:30.
Jim points out that while a small number will watch live, many more will live later on demand. This has been our experience.
Also speaking in this segment is Adobe's Jen Taylor, CBS's Anthony Soohoo, and AllThingsD'sKara Swisher.
Ooyala's Bismarck Lepe says that niche publishers will begin to charge for live programming soon.
Andy Plesser, Executive Producer
Programming Note: We are in London getting ready for our roundtable event tomorrow. Due to various resource issues and the time zone, we will not stream it live tomorrow. Our plan is to stream it in its entirety on Wednesday at at 5:00 GMT, noon on the East Coast, and 9:00 a.m. in the East. Twitter for the event is #beet2010