In judging success of online video sites, the number of streams count, but time spent is also an extremely important metric.
According to a report on video views for April just out from Nielsen, visitors to Justin.tv, the live web video site, had an average of nearly 170 minutes watched per month per user, versus just 95 minutes for YouTube watchers.
Netflix and Hulu had longest time spent, respectively, which could be expected. But it is very cool to see little Justin.tv commanding such an engaged audience.
Nielsen reported that YouTube video views continue to rise, up to nearly 6 percent in video views from March–nearly 5 billion views.
Last year, we spoke with Evan Solomon, VP for Marketing at Justin.tv, for this update. In this interview, he tells us that Justin.tv gets 30 percent more video content updated daily than YouTube.
Below is graph from the Nielsen report.
Andy Plesser, Executive Producer