"For advertisers, an online video ad network gives them scale, and if
they need to buy 50 million or 70 million impressions over a weekend
there aren't many places outside of an ad network to get that scale and
consistency of scale," says YuMe CEO Michael Mathieu in this video interview.
We spoke with him at the Beet.TV's Online Video Roundtable in New York, where he talked about the growing importance of creating a safe environment for brands online to help bring more ad dollars to Web video. To that end, YuMe just introduced new online ad verification tools.
Learning the CEO Tools from an Early Age
Mathieu did karate as a kid, and that discipline has helped him run the
corner office of the online video ad network, he told the New
York Times in a recent profile that also details his background as
one of six kids and the son of immigrant parents.
Daisy Whitney, Senior Producer
Disclaimer: YuMe sponsored the roundtable event.