Last week's Digitas Content NewFront conference was streamed live simultaneously to several streaming services and sites including Ustream, Justin.tv, Revision3, Ad Age, and Mediapost.
The multiple streams, which required different encoding settings, were created in a $5,000 box called a TriCaster. In addition to encoding multiple outputs, the device also switches the multiple camera's on the shoot.
We spoke with Philip Nelson who works for the maker of Tricaster, Newtek. Nelson was on hand to supervise the live feed. During a break, he told us about how the device is being used by a wide range of producers from schools to cable networks.
Also in this video, we spoke with Revision3 CEO Jim Louderback who says that "single streaming is so 2007."
Ustream and New iPhone App
In other "live" news today, Ustream has a new video app for the iPhone. Details up on TechCrunch.
Andy Plesser, Managing Editor