In its global report on the state of advertising, advertising media buying firm ZenithOptimedia predicts that the Internet will pass newspapers in 2013 to become the second largest advertising medium, well behind television.
The Internet is the fastest growing sector globally; it will rise about 14 percent annually over the next two years. Online video is "brightest spot for online ad growth," the report states.
The overall advertising spend globally will rise 4.1 percent this year. Television is the biggest sector and will grow 6 percent. The advertising business in China will rise a whopping 13.4 percent this year.
Here is a summary of the report by Stuart Elliott of The New York Times.
Today, via Skype Video, we spoke with Kristopher Bober, a researcher at Moxie, a digital agency for ZenithOptimedia. Bober contributed to the global study.
Bober speaks about the explosive growth of tablets and the willingness of 75 percent of respondents to his survey to buy low-cost tablets and mobile phones with advertising integrated into the devices. (See this related story on Poynter about the growth of subsidized tablets by newspaper companies.)
Andy Plesser