LOS ANGELES — The economics around Web original video programming are not yet sustainable, says says Myles Beckett, a co-creator of lonelygirl15, the pionering "webisode" from 2006 and CEO of Los Angeles based EQAL.
For producers and artists creating exclusive video content for the Web, the most profitable route is making branded content for advertisers, he says in this interview with Beet.TV.
Branded content generally refers to programming which delivers a brand's message.
Beckett's venture-backed firm is "making millions of dollars" around branded compaigns and social media programs for companies including Walmart and Kraft along with digital programs for celebrities.
Two years ago, the Los Angeles-based company moved from creating Web original to branded content and celebrity sites and related social media efforts, he says.
We spoke with Beckett earlier this week at the Paley Media Center in Beverly Hills where he was on a panel moderated by Amber Lawson.
A Related Programming Note: Beet.TV is hosting a 90-minute webcast on branded content live from the AOL Studio in New York on Tuesday, September 27 at 2:00 p.m. EDT. Our headliner is Lloyd Braun. You an find the program here.