Not competing with television news operations, without teleprompters or a slick set, the Wall Street Journal is leveraging the expertise and access of its reporters to create unique content, says Wendy Bounds, veteran Journal reporter and editor/host of the new daily lifestyle show titled “Off Duty.”
Her show debuted this week on the WSJ.com and on YouTube as the first series on of the paper’s new YouTube channel.
On Thursday, we visited the Journal to inteview Bounds about the new show and the opportunity for newspapers staffers to create unique video content.
In recent days, there has been several developments with newspapers commiting resources to original video. This week, we reported on the debut of live programming at The New York Times and plans at the Huffington Post for a new, 12-hour linear online network. Last month, we reported on plans at Reuters for new programming and a new YouTube channel.
Brian Stelter at The New York Times has a big round-up story on the topic in Monday’s paper.
Andy Plesser