LONDON – With the invasion of Iraq some 10 years ago, the BBC began to solicit listener comments around big news stories via text and email contributions in a effort called "World Have Your Say."
Now contributions by BBC World Service listeners and viewers contribute largely via Twitter, Facebook and on a limited basis on Google+, says Ros Atkins host of the "World Have Your Say."
Unlike CNN iReport which allows individuals to post reports to special section of the site, the BBC initiative doesn't surface citizen reporting on BBC News sites but they appear as comments on article pages and on social media including its Facebook page and Twitter account.
A BBC spokesperson tells Beet.TV that contributions to World Have Your Say are submitted regularly from listeners and viewers in over 50 countries. The program that airs globally on both BBC World Service radio and BBC World News.
We visited Atkins recently in the BBC World Service headquarters to report this story.
Andy Plesser