Original, made-for-the-Web video is gaining traction with brand advertisers, says Paul Kontonis, VP, Group Director, Brand Content, the Third Act, Digitas, in this inteview with Beet.TV
He explains progress in the emerging medium as well as challenges to advertisers who seek to embrace it.
Kontonis and his team at Digitas, have established a marketplace for brands and content creators to meet at an annual event called the NewFront. This year, the scope of the marketplace has increased with big portals joining as partners including AOL, Hulu, MSN, Yahoo and YouTube. Here is our report on the Digital Content NewFronts which will take place over two weeks in Manhattan next month.
Kontonis at the Beet Leadership Summit
We are pleased that Paul will be joining the Beet.TV Leadership Summit in Vieques on March 16 and 17 where the emerging opportunities for brands around online video will be explored.
Andy Plesser