Social TV newcomer Viggle has amassed more than 625,000 registered users four months after launch and is gearing up to add several new features shortly, the company says. Beet.TV caught up with Viggle's Jason Reindorp, VP of Marketing at Viggle, at the Ad Age Social TV in Manhattan on Wednesday.
Viggle awards loyalty points redeemable for music downloads, movie tickets, and gift cards as users participate in polls, trivia and other forms of interactivity, Reindorp tells us. He says Viggle will introduce new games, social features and functionality in the next few months to grow its user base and engagement. Viggle users have engaged more than 142 million times since launch and active users check in an average of five times per day.
The Viggle app works by analyzing audio cues from TV shows, prompting users to then check in to those shows to earn points and to participate in social activities. For an April airing of the award-winning film "To Kill a Mockingbird" on USA Network, the programmer saw a doubling in check-ins with about 50% of users playing along with polls.
For more details on the technology and the cost-per-engagement pricing model, check out this video interview.
Daisy Whitney