The concept of “platform agnosticism,” the notion that legacy media companies must have their content on all digital outlets is “completely wrong,” says NBC News Chief Digital Officer Vivian Schiller in this session excerpt from the Beet.TV Executive Retreat.
The former General Manager of the NYTimes.com and CEO of NPR says that legacy media companies need to craft an experience around their brand which is “native” to their platform.
Schiller is interviewed on stage by Jason Pontin, editor in chief of MIT’s Technology Review.
Digitas VP Paul Kontonis, writing about Schiller’s speech on MediaPost, says it “changed his view forever of platform-agnostic.” Kontonis was a participant in the retreat.
Publishers Facing Peril and Opportunity
In her comments, Schiller warns of the peril of publishers not being focused on a specific distribution strategy. A report in this week’s Economist reports on the successful strategy of some new organizaitons focusing on international expansion.
Update: 7/15: MSNBC.com has become NBCNews.com and Schiller will head the operation. Ths post was originally publshed on 3/20 and updated tonight.
Note to Vivian Schiller, Thanks for Keynoting the #BeetRetreat
Many thanks to Vivian for being the keynote speaker at the Beet Executive Retreat. I am grafeful for her participation and the others pictured below outside the W Vieques. From left to right: Anthony Risicato of Tremor Media’s VideoHub; Vivian, Sorosh Tovokali of Videoplaza, Adam Singolda of Taboola, Jason Pontin of Technology Review, Stokes Young of MNSBC.com, Otam Cohen of Wibbitz, Paul Kontonis of Digitas, Eli Goodman of comScore, Zohar Dayan of Wibbitz, me, Joy Marcus of Draper Fisher Jurvetson and Lippe Oosterhof of Livesation. Please keep up with our posts from the conference at this page. AP