NEW YORK – Programmatic buying can be used to help inform overall media planning strategies for brands, says Andy Chapman, Leader of Digital Investments at Mindshare.
Beet.TV contributor Ashley Swartz spoke to Chapman at the Beet.TV Leadership Summit on Digital Video Advertising in an RTB World about the increased interest from clients in real-time buying, how this growth is impacting strategy, and budgeting for video across TV and digital.
"We don't have to beg clients to talk about [RTB]. They're interested in understanding what it's about, so we help them understand the marketplace and what it really means," Chapman says. Not only are brands using real-time buying as another avenue to reach consumers, they're also able to use the data from such campaigns to inform their brand strategies.
"We might learn there is a certain segment of the audience that either we didn't know existed or played a secondary role, but is responding better to our campaign, so we try to balance and learn from that and bring it up the funnel to our targeting, segmentation work, and higher level strategic approaches," he explains.
For now, the dollars flowing to digital video are still being carved from TV budgets, but agencies are eager to grow the overall pie by showing the efficacy of deploying video across screens, Chapman tells us. He adds that the plethora of data available to marketers and agencies has also changed how Mindshare approaches hiring employees. There's a higher value placed on understanding data and analytics, in addition to necessary negotiation skills.
This Beet event took place at the Manhattan offices of GroupM and was presented by TubeMogul.
Daisy Whitney