MONACO — A small amount of ad buys will be brokered over a three-martini lunch, but by and large the ad world is hurtling towards programmatic buying as the norm, says John Mellor, VP of Strategy and Business Development for Digital Marketing at Adobe.
Beet.TV interviewed Mellor at the Monaco Media Forum about trends in digital ad buying, as well as Adobe’s changing role in the media business.
As more buying migrates to the programmatic variety, that trend will put pressure on agencies to focus on their ability to provide strategy, messaging and metrics to clients, he says. He adds that advertising as a whole is also moving towards greater addressability, including TV. “TV is becoming addressable and targetable and ads can be customized. That is going to be one of the next big tipping points for advertisers,” Mellor says.
He also discusses how Adobe is keyed in on the metrics and measurement of digital marketing. “We’re still very focused on technology and we want to enable our customers to wrap their services around technology…our DNA is in analytics on the digital marketing side.”
Daisy Whitney