BERLIN — Crane.tv, an online video-magazine for contemporary culture, has made the online video revolution economically viable with a profitable business model that revolves around creating, distributing and monetizing high quality online video content. We had the opportunity to speak with CEO Constantin Bjerke at The Europas in Berlin to find out more about the company’s objectives and revenue model.
Bjerke explained, “We want to be the one stop shop for culturally curious global citizens to get their information for culture and lifestyle all over the world.” In addition to creating exclusive video content about art, design, fashion, lifestyle and travel that is syndicated through a distribution network including the Guardian, New York Times and Huffington Post, the company makes money through producing branded entertainment.
Crane.tv has produced content for Swarovski, Mini, the Brazilian Olympic Committee and other brands, “telling the stories of a brand which are relevant and interesting to an audience the world over.”
Bjerke told us that while Crane.tv offers traditional sponsored advertising, “most of the opportunities are around content marketing—creating stories for brands, producing content and then helping with the distribution on Crane.tv’s platforms and beyond.”