In the latest deal underscoring Nielsen’s digital reach, online video platform Videology will integrate Nielsen’s Online Campaign Ratings into its tools to reach audiences online in a more targeted fashion. The deal is one of the latest Nielsen has struck with a vendor and can help advertisers gain a more granular look into online measurement, says Andrew Feigenson, Senior VP Ad Platforms and Networks at the Nielsen Company during an interview with Ashley Swartz, at the Beet.TV Leadership Summit on Big Data.

Online Campaign Ratings have the potential to become integral on the media planning side, Feigenson says, because they can be used to build predictability into finding the right audiences. “You see this on TV — people don’t just buy on GRP. They buy on other things like buying behavior, so when they figure out what to pay for a spot they are looking at what the return is. So I think over time we will see similar metrics come out of online,” he says. He adds that online and TV buying are coming together quickly, and next he expects marketers to apply performance metrics and big data to understand whether different types of creative are working. “Advertisers need feedback. They need a loop to give them feedback on what’s working in creative,” he tells us.

Videology said that in early testing, its new targeting tool generated a 336% lift against the targeted demo, according to Nielsen’s Online Campaign Ratings.

Also working with Nielsen on the project is, see this story in Mediapost.

Daisy Whitney