LONDON – Two years after launch, Nielsen’s reach-based Online Campaign Ratings (OCR) measurement system is now helping online video advertisers buy media with the same certainty they have from TV, says Videology‘s Ryan Jamboretz.
“It is borne of the television world, but it’s being used as the dominant mechanism by which television money is shifting into digital,” the video ad tech firm’s international managing director told us during Beet.TV’s recent London Video Ad Strategy Summit.
“We’re seeing guarantees being mandated as part of media shifting out of television into digital, that it be audited and guaranteed against those metrics.
“That’s something that hadn’t existed in digital before. The idea that you would under-deliver or over-deliver on a campaign was very normal. In the TV world, that’s completely not normal and not acceptable.”
Disclosure: This Beet.TV event was hosted by GroupM and sponsored by Videology.