Recent revelations that many online ad impressions – perhaps 40% – are prompted by internet bots defrauding ad buyers has spooked the industry. Now Google wants to go to war with the bots.
“The surge of non-human traffic … is really taking the entire industry by storm,” Americas media platform sales head Jay VanDerzee tells Beet.TV.
“This, too, shall pass. We’re not going to let some bad actors bring us down. We have to fight back. This is a significant problem, it is very real, it is an organized attack on our industry. It is an arms race. We have to get organized.
“We’ve already been down this road with search. Thankfully, the same type of effort yielded excellent results – it’s not an issue people think about anymore. The difference with video is it’s fragmented all over the entire industry – we are just one of many companies.”
We spoke with VanDerzee at the Beet.TV Video Ad Fraud Leadership Summit where he was panelist, interviewed by Ashley J. Swartz, CEO of Furious Minds. You can find videos from the event here.