The world’s biggest newspaper website intends to start making more digital video of its own, to satisfy advertiser demand for more premium inventory.
“We produce 900 stories a day ,” says Mail Online’s North America sales VP Matt Kaplan in this video. “Maybe 20% of those pages has a video on it. About 2% result in a video play.
“We’d like to radically increase the amount of video we’re publishing. Most of our video has been clips – we’re going to get much more involved in original video production.”
Video is one of three main ad formats, alongside native and high-impact display, Kaplan wants Mail Online to double down on. To commercialize video, Kaplan wants to use out-stream and rich-media units, as well as pre-rolls. He notes that rich video display can appear on nearly every page of the site, while pre-roll can only be served on the pages with a player
Kaplan interviewed on stage by Beet.TV executive producer Andy Plesser at the Beet.TV video advertising summit on “outstream” advertising, presented by Ebuzzing & Teads. Please find more videos from that event here.