FORT LAUDERDALE — Recent reorganisations within Publicis’ Vivaki unit see digital expertise built up over the latter group’s existence moved from its Audience On Demand division to other agencies within the sister SMG group.
The Drum reports on the changes here.
“The largest group within AOD – the client services group … those individuals are a 60-person group, being folded in to individual SMG agencies,” VivaKi programmatic SVP Mac Delaney tells Beet.TV in this video interview.
“When Audience On Demand was created, it follows the same story of digital – when there’s a new innovation, things happen at the center first until the dust settles.
“The same is happening now – we’re moving proactively to do so ahead of the marketplace, to push that know-how, skillset and ability out in to the hands of the individuals managing the client relationships.”
Delaney was interviewed at Beet.TV’s annual executive retreat.
The Beet Retreat ’15 was sponsored by AOL and Videology. Please find additional videos from the event here.