AUSTIN — Advertising has moved well beyond the thirteen-week cycles of the past and into branded content as the focus for the future, says Anne Finucane, Global Chief Strategy and Marketing Officer at Bank of America, in this interview with Beet.TV. “What’s here to stay is being able to tell a story with a beginning, middle and end with proof points that you can do in a thirty-second spot, or direct to customer with a web site, or Twitter, or Youtube,” she says.
Given that shift, it’s important to look at various metrics and brand goals for campaigns today. They might be brand lift or direct sales, but all can be impacted with this storytelling focus, she says, in explaining how brands and agencies can work together more effectively. “You don’t have to tell the story in full in each medium, but to collectivey tell it across mediums,” Finucane says. “As a brand, you have to develop a purpose, positioning and proof point, but the way to execute is different.”