SEVILLE – Government regulation “FCC 16-18” may sound innocuous enough – but the implications of the Federal Communications Commission’s decision to open up set-top box hardware will be far-reaching.
The rule would compel cable companies to offer their programming not just over their own boxes but through those of third-party vendors, too.
One ad industry veteran things that is going to shake things up – and quickly. “This is going to have enormous implications for all advanced TV advertising,” according to Simlumedia CEO Dave Morgan, pointing to three big changes:
- “We’re going to have a lot more devices out there that have data and that you can address at.”
- “A lot of pressure’s going to be put on television networks to change the revenue mix. They’re going to have to rely on TV advertising much more.”
- “It’s going to put a lot of pressure on brands and buying agencies who are going to have to embrace this new way of buying very quickly. This order is going to go through in two years.”
Morgan’s Simulmedia helps advertisers place ads through new TV platforms, paying on guaranteed business outcomes.
“They’re world is going to change on them whether they want it or not,” Morgan adds. “If they don’t start availing themselves of data-driven TV advertising today, they’re going to be caught flat-footed.”
This interview was recorded at the I-com Global Forum for Marketing and Data Measurement in Seville, Spain, April 18 to 21. This video is part of a series from the Forum sponsored by Xaxis. Please visit this page for more videos from Seville.