Advertising through over-the-top TV services is still nascent, still essential and still waiting to be fully unlocked by better measurement.
That is according to one executive in the space who co-founded her own company to help advertisers benefit from the opportunity.
“I think we’re early days for OTT, the targeting layer just started,” one2one Media’s COO Jamie Power says in this video interview with Beet.TV. “But, as a marketer, you have to pay attention to OTT, because that’s the way the audiences are shifting.”
Mike Bologna and Power – who were CEO and managing partner, respectively, of GroupM’s advanced TV unit Modi Media – are now president and COO of one2one Media, a company helping agencies to plan, implement and measure advanced TV advertising on multi-channel video programming distributors.
Since inception, the company has launched an intelligent entertainment platform and an analysis tool for on-demand movie consumption.
Consumption is growing, and advertisers are taking interest – but Power says the journey is not yet complete.
“What’s broken right now in television is that we’re not measuring TV viewing across all these different screens,” she adds. “Once that happens, marketers will be more and more comfortable shifting dollars into OTT.
“With a generation of cord-nevers and cord-cutters, and people experimenting with different ways to get content, marketers need to get in the OTT game.
“Addressable television, if you think about it, it’s 100% viewable impression. There’s no bots hitting in your living room. There’s no fraud. Everyone needs to really start embracing technology.”
This video is part of series on developments with OTT. The series is presented by Sling TV and DISH Media Sales. Please find more videos from the series here. For the Sling/DISH report on OTT and the marketplace, download this report.