If anyone doubts how Oath plans to differentiate itself with Verizon’s massive caches of insights from its broadband and wireless services and brick-and-mortar stores, Jeff Lucas makes it very clear. “What Oath offers more than anyone else is deep, deep data,” the Head of Oath’s Americas Sales says.
“But also we are thinking about commerce” and “how advertisers can transact on our platforms and we can deliver results. And I think that’s the most important thing,” Lucas adds in this interview with Beet.TV at the Digital Content NewFronts 2018.
Having recently joined Oath from Snap Inc., Lucas is clear about Oath’s overriding mission, which can be summarized thusly: How it uses data to create content, “to deliver consumers and associate them with the right content and the right advertisers, contextually.”
He hopes that NewFronts attendees left Oath’s presentation “feeling that there’s so much value in what we’re bringing to the table with the four pillars of deep content.”
Oath is squarely focused on being a mobile-first entity because that’s where people want content, according to Lucas.
“People wonder why ratings are going down, down, down and advertisers are paying more, more and more. It’s because the consumer wants to see it when they want it, all the time. In their pocket, on their phone.”
To sum things up, he offers a baseball metaphor. “You associate that with a brand-safe environment, with data for targeting and data for measurement and third-party measurement, I think you’re delivering a home run.”
This video is part of Beet.TV’s coverage of the Digital Content NewFronts 2018. The series a co-presentation of Beet.TV and the IAB. Please see additional videos from the series on this page.