CANNES — Not all CTV impressions are created equal. To get the best results, advertisers need to ensure they are buying premium CTV inventory with professionally-produced content that engages fans.

That’s according to one executive who says he knows the roadmap to premium placement.

“If you want premium content and you want a premium environment, you have to buy premium CTV,” says David Porter, Head of Research, Data & Insights at Warner Bros. Discovery, in this video interview with Beet.TV.

Challenges with Premium CTV

Quality content is just one part of the equation. The ad environment also needs to be premium, with appropriate ad loads, seamless commercial breaks, and proper plaque slates.

Porter complains that one challenge is that many advertisers are buying CTV without fully understanding what they are getting. They may view all CTV as being the same.

“It’s important to ask a lot of questions about where you’re buying CTV and where your ad is running,” Porter advises.

WBD Launches Audience Intelligence Platform

To help power its advanced advertising offerings, Warner Bros. Discovery has launched Olli, a foundational platform that brings together its audience graph, planning, activation, measurement and attribution.

Olli fuels WBD’s Converged Data-Driven Video (DDV) product. DDV has three key components:

  1. An audience graph of over 100 million households built from viewership data across WBD’s linear, streaming and digital endpoints, layered with third-party census data including street addresses.
  2. Optimization through VideoAmp to build converged media plans across linear, streaming and digital designed to maximize reach and smooth frequency.
  3. Attribution to measure results and prove effectiveness.

Cross-Platform Planning Delivers Results

The results from Converged Data-Driven Video have been strong, proving that cross-platform media planning works.

“I don’t know why anybody wouldn’t do it,” says Porter. “What we’ve seen is when we built these plans, again optimizing for reach, we have our digital audience and we have our linear audience. The overlap is very, very low, less than 3%.”

DDV also allows advertisers to find more incremental reach. “Most people have a visual of a traditional reach graph on linear TV where it very quickly builds to full reach and then plateaus out – with data-driven video, our advertisers can double their budgets and still not reach that point of diminishing returns,” Porter explains.

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