Amid the turmoil of cookie deprecation, ad buyers are looking for new identifiers.

One of those new signals is emerging as traveler information, which ad agencies are saying can help paint a more holistic picture of target audiences for advertisers.

In this video interview with Beet.TV, Jessica Brown, Managing Director of Digital Investment at GroupM, explains the appeal.

Inflight Opportunity

“Traveler (data) helps paint a more robust and holistic picture of the audiences that we’re trying to reach, especially when we’re getting something unique that we aren’t able to get from another data provider or another partner that we’re working with,” says Brown.

Traveler data could include information on vacation planning, purchases made through loyalty program credit cards, or even physical location data in airports and cities.

“It’s another way for us to contextualize who we’re trying to reach and reach them in a relevant way,” Brown explains. “I think it’s safe to say you have a captive audience when you’re on a plane.”

She suggests there are opportunities for advertisers to add value for these captive audiences, such as pre-roll ads before in-flight movies. Layering traveler data with these advertising experiences could help demonstrate real impact.

Shoppable Video Transforming Brand Media

While TV and connected TV have traditionally been seen as lean-back experiences, the growth of smart TVs and social video is enabling new shoppable environments – and that has Brown excited.

“Shoppable media and the growth of smart TVs, the growth of social video is allowing us to create these environments where we don’t need to take the consumer out of their viewing experience,” she says. “We can say ‘add to cart’, and so they’re not being removed. Or we can even make an ad shoppable, which I would argue is enhancing the consumer experience.”

However, Brown acknowledges that measuring these new shoppable formats will be a challenge, as they differ from traditional reach-based or lower-funnel metrics. New benchmarks will need to be established to effectively measure their impact, she says.

You’re watching “Traveler Media Takes Off,” a Beet.TV Leadership Series presented by Kinective Media by United Airlines. For more videos from this series, please visit this page