The shift of addressable data to the cloud is creating a new environment for connected TV and streaming data to come together with brands’ and agencies’ audience data, says Gareth Davies of TransUnion.

This cloud-based approach can facilitate better overlap forecasting, audience segmentation, targeting and measurement, he explains in this video interview with Beet.TV.

“What’s exciting there is it’s creating a new environment for both connected TV and streaming data to come together with a brand or an agency’s audience data which can facilitate better overlap forecasting analysis, better segmentation and targeting of audiences, and ultimately better measurement on the backend,” Davies says.

Establishing a Single Customer View

However, achieving true addressability requires a deep understanding of identity and the ability to create a single, persistent view of each consumer, Davies believes.

“Recognizing that we’re not in a world with a perfect singular view of identity that every participant can actually agree on, I think you have this foundational translation problem,” he says. “It’s kind of a tower of Babel.”

Even if different parties in the ecosystem have data on the same individual, that data often can’t be easily reconciled. TransUnion has been investing in ways to create “better translation services” so companies can establish and maintain a single customer view.

Enabling Privacy-Safe Collaboration

TransUnion has put its identity solutions in the cloud, starting with Snowflake and expanding to AWS and GCP. This allows customers to resolve their data to TransUnion’s identity without having to share any data.

“That whole process is significantly faster and more efficient,” Davies says. “And it means customers have a much more privacy safe way of connecting data, whether they’re a publisher, a platform, a brand, or an agency.”

Bringing Transparency to Identity

Going forward, Davies hopes to see identity become more transparent. TransUnion is investing in providing confidence scores and other capabilities so clients’ data science teams can independently validate TransUnion’s identity graph.

“Whilst that might sound technical, at the core, it’s about putting our money where our mouth is and say, here’s why we believe all this information is linked to an individual or a household, and here’s how confident we are of that and here’s why,” Davies explains.

You’re watching “Global Leadership Summit: Data, Identity & Measurement, a Beet.TV Leadership Series at Cannes Lions 2024 presented by Digital Turbine, IAS, Intent IQ & TransUnion”. For more videos from this series, please visit this page.