In a time of increasing consumer angst over data privacy, brands and agencies are grappling with how to leverage data effectively while still crafting powerful brand narratives.

But has the reliance on cookie data pulled focus away from defining a brand’s core message?

“I think we’ve relied on this data so closely that it’s moved us agencies and brands alike away from really defining brands, their DNA, their secret distinctiveness,” says Dave Kersey, Chief Media Officer at ad agency GSD&M, in this video interview with Beet.TV editorial director Lisa Granatstein.

Contextual AI is stepping in to fill the gap, providing insights into consumer mindsets and motivations without relying on real-time cookie data.

That technology is bringing the industry back to its strategic roots, helping brands create distinctiveness around their purpose and truly understand their audience, Kersey says.

He says the debate over cookie deprecation “has allowed us to get ahead of it and again, get back to our roots of what we’re doing and why we’re doing it”.

Automated Bidding and Dynamic Optimization

Contextual AI is enabling new use cases that drive both efficiency and effectiveness. Automated bidding streamlines operational processes, allowing resources to be focused on strategic ideation and framework development.

“If we’re able to streamline some of our operational efficiencies, that creates a lot of power for us,” Kersey explains. “It allows us to use resources in that strategic ideation and strategic framework development.”

Dynamic optimization capabilities also enable quick shifts based on audience mindsets and behaviors, not just typical data sets. This allows brands to connect with consumers at the right moment and within the right context.

You’re watching The Power of Context: Driving Attention to Intention in a Privacy-First Era, a Beet.TV Leadership Series, presented by Seedtag. For more videos from this series, please visit this page.