LAS VEGAS – With its ability to draw insights from vast amounts of data, artificial intelligence is playing a key role in helping advertisers to understand how audiences are likely to respond to how they’re represented in campaigns. Such insights are a priority for the Ad Council, the nonprofit ad group, in creating effective public service announcements.
“We’re a nonprofit that really is focused on creating a culture where everyone can thrive,” Ashley Menschner, senior vice president of media and engagement at the Ad Council, said in this interview at CES 2025 with Lisa Granatstein, editorial director of Beet.TV. “It’s important that we understand the insights from our target audiences and our communities that we’re trying to reach.”
The Ad Council relies on a variety of partners to help advance its mission. Those collaborators include video adtech platform XR Extreme Reach, which last year worked with advocacy firm The Female Quotient to introduce a Representation Index (RX) to measure diversity in advertising.
“XR and what they’re developing with RX is so critical to the advertising industry because it really is helping us understand how our ads are showing up in the world,” Menschner said. “You want those people to feel like they can see themselves and they’re reflected in the advertising.”
The Ad Council teamed with XR for its long-running “Love Has No Labels” campaign that seeks to drive greater understanding and respect among people of different races, religions, ages, abilities, cultures, genders and sexual preferences. Their goal is to ensure the campaign remains relevant amid shifts in societal trends and public attitudes.
We’re “looking to figure out what tweaks we might need to make with that creative and ultimately have a bigger impact because we were able to leverage those insights,” Menschner said.
You’re watching “The Impact Era: Harmonizing Technology and Humanity in Advertising”, a Beet.TV Leadership Series at CES 2025, presented by XR Extreme Reach. For more videos from this series, please visit this page. You can view all of our CES 2025 content here.