LAS VEGAS – People watch television programming across a growing array of streaming platforms and connected devices, challenging marketers to measure the effects of their advertising campaigns. Amid this fragmentation, business results underlie media-buying strategies.

“When we think about measurement at OMD…we’re more focused on where we should be focused, which is client outcomes. It’s not really about the spots or the dots or how many households,” Kelly Metz, chief investment officer at Omnicom Group’s OMD USA, said in this interview at CES 2025 with Julian Zilberbrand, chief executive of Ivey Milton Consultants.

Ad Currencies

With the growth in streaming, the media and advertising industries have sought better ways to set the value of advertising transactions, or what are known as currencies. Debates about the best media currencies are ongoing as measurement providers sharpen their capabilities.

“We are enjoying the battles for TV currency and measurement and seeing what benefits those achieve from a cost-reduction perspective for our clients, but for the most part, measurement has to be consistent across more than just the video channel,” Metz said.

Video incorporates everything from traditional linear television to mobile devices, and programming ranging from network television to social-media apps. That variety introduces even more ways to measure ad exposure and effectiveness.

“That really can only be handled in bespoke measurement. It’s not going to be provided by generic off-the-shelf third parties,” Metz said. “So, really, that pushes us further and further down the path toward outcome-based solutions for our clients. And that’s really what we’ve leaned into.”

Tech Partners

Partnerships with technology providers such as Comcast’s FreeWheel help to achieve clients’ goals.

“Freewheel is part of a larger organization and there’s a lot of value that can be achieved for clients because of different capabilities within a larger family, inside corporations,” Metz said. “That’s where we’re seeing the greatest benefit and lift for our clients is when we do focus on media and the technology. Not one or the other, but both together. You achieve better deals, better data access, better controls.”

You’re watching “Bringing Simplicity to TV Advertising”, a Beet.TV Leadership Series at CES 2025 presented by FreeWheel. For more videos from this series, please visit this page. You can view all of our CES 2025 content here..