VMIX Builds Audience with Independent Content Creators and Studios — Ford Models Channel is Fabulous!

Click To Play Ford Models, NBC Television and Fox have channels on VMIX as do many independent musicians, filmmakers and video uploaders of deferent levels of skill. The site has over 1 million users and is growing. It is interesting to see VMIX as an alternative video sharing site to YouTube. My colleague David Kavanaugh […]


Unlike the Record Biz, Hollywood Could Prosper in Digital Era, AlwaysOn’s Tony Perkins Says

Click To Play Here’s my buddy Tony Perkins, founder of Upside, Red Herring and the AlwaysOn Network, a social network and conference business created around the digital elite of Silicon Valley, Hollywood and beyond. We spoke with him at the conclusion of his super successful conference in Hollywood on Thursday. Tony believes the film and […]


Former MySpace Chief Launches .TV Domain Registration Company with MySpace Social Networking Tools

Click To Play Richard Rosenblatt, who built MySpace and sold it to News Corp, has just launched a new business  to create a network of individuals who buy .tv domain registratrations.  The company is providing registrants rich social networking tools developed for MySpace. Although Rosenblatt sold INTERMIX, the parent of MySpace, to New Corp, he […]


Kara Swisher is Not Keen on News Corp Takeover of Dow Jones….And the Bancrofts Seem to Agree

Click To Play Kara Swisher, a longtime reporter and columnist at the Wall Street Journal, is one of the most influential technology journalists/author.  She has also built a hugely successful conference business "D" for the Dow Jones Company.  Just last week, she launched a blog with colleague Walt Mossberg. The new blog has lots of […]


Kevin Rose on the Sh**t Storm at Digg

Click To Play Dan Farber helped me out this morning at the AlwaysOn Conference in Hollywood.  I was on a panel and unable to do the interview so Dan, editor in chief at ZDNet, grabbed the mic to speak with Digg’s Kevin Rose about the storm over a decision to remove then put back up […]


Carson Daly Launches Online Channel with Rich Social Networking Tools

Click To Play Late night television host Carson Daly has a new show and it’s not on NBC. It’s a cool new site of video selections that he edits and organizes daily.  It’s a page on a new social networking site launched by Richard Rosenblatt, the founder and former chairman of MySpace.  His new venture […]


Microsoft’s Silverlight Poised to Gain Streaming Video Share, Dan Farber Reports

Click To Play I caught up with Dan Farber on Tuesday, poolside at the Roosevelt in Hollywood. Dan just came from the MIX conference in Las Vegas. Dan and I are attending the OnHollywood conference. Dan, editor-in-chief of ZDNet is impressed with the Silverlight, the new Microsoft platform for creating and sharing video and other […]


Believe in Your Peers: BitTorrent Becomes Powerhouse in Online Video Distribution….Joost Announces Content Distribution Deal with CNN, NHL and Sony

Click To Play Here’s the first of three interview with Ashwin Navin, president and co-founder of BitTorrent.  The company and its technology have come a long way since its early use free program to send around large open source software programs.  Today, BitTorrent.com has become a business largely focused on distributing video files through peer-to-peer […]


SplashCast Launches New RSS Video Tool for Bloggers

SplashCast has a cool new user tool to create a customized an embedible player where a selection of video feeds can be displayed. This is a fairly easy way to organize favorite videos through RSS feed on a nice interface. Since this interface is embeddible, you can put it on your blog, site or push […]


The “Shocking” Truth! Rupert Murdoch Rocks London Tabloid World with Millions of Online Video Views!

Click To Play We’ve been exploring the world of newspapers and their use of online video.  We just learned that London’s The Sun, the Murdoch-owned London tabloid, has built a wildly successful online video player and big viewership. Beet.TV has learned that a recent clip titled "friendly fire" has gotten more that one million views. […]


Scoop: MTV Rocks NYU Student Newspaper with Snazzy Video Player from ROO

Click To Play When MTV bought the College Publisher last August, it acquired a company that provided a publishing platform and monetization system for college newspapers.  Today, some 500 college newspapers use the publishing platform   (The purchase also included the wildly successful RateMyProfessors.com.) MTV has integrated its its new purchase into the mtvU unit, a […]


Online Industry “Breakthrough:” Video Ads to Appear on Revver Clips in P2P Networks — as Joost Announces Big Ad Program

Click To Play The next big frontier for online video advertising may well be ads inserted into P2P content.  Revver, which announced yesterday that it will distribute video clips through P2P, is using its proprietary ad serving technology to insert and manage ads traveling around the P2P networks. In my second interview, Steven Starr, CEO […]


Blinkx Set to Go Public — Video Search is Hot Sector

Click To Play Blinkx, the start-up that has created a video search technology using a variety of techniques notably "listening" to audio track of video, is going public on the London Stock Exchange in May. Blinkx was spun off from Autonomy, a company that does a good deal of government work. In fact much of […]


Revver to Serve User-Generated Content through P2P Universe: Steven Starr Explains it all on Beet.TV

Click To Play Revver, the popular video sharing site, will soon syndicate user-generated clips through P2P networks in a new alliance with INTENT MediaWorks. This is the most significant development in moving user-generated content through the P2P world.  The Atlanta-based INTENT will distribute tens of thousands of Revver clips through its platform.  Revver will serve […]


“Gateways” Are Effective Online Video Advertising Platforms, eMarketer’s David Hallerman Says

Click To Play On these pages, we have explored what form of online video advertising is effective. This in a business still very much in its early stages and strategies are still emerging. There are many different approaches: from YouTube’s contextual banner ad placements around the clip, to insertion of post-roll clips at Revver to […]


Exclusive: CNN.com Had Record-Breaking 11 Million Video Views on Day of Virginia Tech Schootings

CNN online video clips of news surrounding the Virginia Tech shootings totaled 11.4 million views on Monday, far more than the daily average of 2.1 million streams and exceeding the previous one-day record of 7.7 on December 30, 2006, the day after Saddam’s execution. These are internal traffic numbers provided by CNN to Beet.TV. Nielsen/NetRatings […]


Tom Wolfe Debuts in Online Video from Conde Nast’s New Portfolio.com

Very cool to see Tom Wolfe on Beet.TV talking about hedge funds and cruising around Greenwich, Connecticut, the home of mysterious and powerful new power in global finance. The video is one of several on Portfolio.com, the new business publication from Conde Nast.  The videos are very well done.   We are especially pleased to find […]


Fast-Growing Social/Search Network StumbleUpon Set to Organize CNN, BBC, Flickr, Wikipedia and MySpace

StumbleUpon has created one of the fastest growing networks of individuals who rate and recommend sites. Some 2 million members rate over 9 million sites.  The company is doing well and generating a lot of interest.  This week it was said to be in final talks to be acquired this week by eBay for $45 […]


YouTube is Not Yet Sharing Revenue with Uploaders or Inserting Ads

We read with interest a report that YouTube is sharing revenue with video creators, like the Revver model, and that advertising will be inserted into the video.  There has been quite a lot of buzz about this today in the blogesphere. This is not happening, yet. We reached a YouTube spokesperson who told Beet.TV that […]


Retailers Jump into Online Video As a New Marketing Platform, The Wall Street Journal Reports

As consumers use more online video for entertainment and news, more and more online business are using video to market and sell their wares.  Today, Ice.com, the Montreal-based jeweler is launching a broadband show about buying jems. Several other companies are using video including Baby Universe, The Knot and Home Depot, according to an article […]

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