Microsoft’s New Silverlight Will Stream Live Video: Could Bill Gates New Initiative Bring Online Video to Billions of New Computer Users?

Click To Play OK, so our colleague Robert Scoble has thrown in towel on going live 24/7 on Ustream — a good decision, Robert, heehee. But what Robert demonstrated, and the much talked about Justin Kan of Justin.TV, is the viability and prospect of streaming live, quality video. Silverlight, the new Web based video distribution […]


Oh Wow: eBay to Buy StumbleUpon for $45 Million, TechCrunch Reports

Click To Play In a sign of the viability of the online video video and the multiples it can command, StumbleUpon, a small start-up that allows its users to organize and share video favorites, has agreed to be sold to eBay for $45 million, according to a report by Michael Arrington of TechCrunch. Michael says […]


Windows Live Messenger is New Promotional Platform for MSN Videos

While Microsoft, Yahoo! and AIM have long placed advertising and promotional messages on the their IM applications, the new Microsoft Live Messenger has an ersatz video player on its web application. The player, which is really banner ad, comes and goes at the bottom of the page, sometimes being swapped out with a conventional banner […]


Newspapers Scramble to Cover Virginia Shooting with Video — Washington Post and New York Times Demonstrate Breadth of Coverage Styles

As newspapers have expanded video content to their pages, they have begun covering breaking news stories.  It’s interesting to see the work of The New York Times and the Washington Post and differences in style. The Times has a straightforward news report of the sequence events.  It was reported by Ben Werschkul. The Washington Post’s […]


Hold the Presses: Newspapers Top TV Stations in Online Video Advertising — Jeff Jarvis Sees New Models for the Newspaper Biz

Sure newspapers have some serious challenges these days, but one bright spot is online video advertising.  According to a study by Borrell Associates, newspaper web sites sold more than twice as much online video advertising as local television stations last year.  And local online video advertising is set to surge over the next five years, […]


VideoEgg Hatches Finance Deal with WPP

Click To Play Congratulations to the VideoEgg crew on their new relationship with giant marketing holding company WPP.  I interviewed VideoEgg co-founder Kevin Sladek last summer in San Francisco. I’ve republished the video.  Kevin spoke with me about the evolving business model and how advertising works into it all.  Looks like he has taken a […]


Microsoft Unveils New Browser-Based Video Platform at NAB in Las Vegas — Major League Baseball, Netflix and Brightcove will use Silverlight

Click To Play We’ve been reporting on developments with Microsoft’s new online video platform which had been called Windows Presentation Foundation Everywhere (WPF/E). Today (Monday) in Las Vegas at NAB, Microsoft is taking the wraps off the new platform which is called Microsoft Silverlight.   It’s all part of the new Microsoft Expression initiative.  It won’t […]


We Caught Justin Kan in Bed — The Future of Streaming Live Video is Revealed (Sort of)

Click To Play Here’s Justin.TV’s Justin Kan who we caught on tape lounging around in bed in San Francisco.  Beet.TV’s David Kavanaugh put this together from our Manhattan broadcast center.  (Sorry for the audio — we’re going to transcribe some of his comments and add to this post.)  Justin is not engaged in some sort […]


Flash Video To Have DRM with On2/Widevine Alliance

Click To Play Here’s my interview with Eric Ameres, CTO of On2 Technologies. While Flash video has become the ubiquitous program for streaming video clips onto computers around the globe, indeed, the universal adoption of Flash has been central to the online video revolution, there has been a problem for content owners:  The Flash, or […]


CNN Expands Video Podcast Strategy with First Downloadable News Program

Click To Play CNN, which has been streaming video clips for several years on its site, has significantly expanded its downloadable offerings by providing daily twenty minute podcasts of top stories from the two hour Anderson Cooper 360 program. This is the first time that the network has "time shifted" a daily news program. The […]


YouTube Has Pop-Ups Ads

The GooTube team is not inserting advertising into YouTube clips as post or pre-rolls.  That might happen, but not quite yet.  Chad Hurley has said that in-clip ads would not be appreciated by the YouTube user base.  He may be right.    So, to the monetize the extraordinary traffic on YouTube, the Google folks are […]


Jeff Jarvis Endorses Hillary — Her Campaign Videos, That Is: The Buzzmachine Turns Thumbs Down on Obama and McCain

Click To Play Jeff Jarvis, the noted blogger and fast-rising vlogging star, has jumped into the world of presidential campaign video in a big way. He recently launched something called PrezConference, a Web site and YouTube channel designed to engage voters and the candidates by submitting videos. We blogged about this recently. I caught up […]


New York Times Tops Newspaper Web Traffic — Hats off to Len Apcar, Pioneering Online Editor and Beet.TV’s First Video Post

Click To Play The New York Times maintained impressive traffic in February, according to a report in Editor & Publisher. It remains the most popular U.S. newspaper site. "The New York Times site (which has some articles behind the TimesSelect pay wall) attracted a unique audience of 12,960,000 users in February, who combined for 455,527,000 […]


BE GREEN AND DRINK WELL: Earth Day Celebration in Sonoma on 4/22 — Important Cause, Incredible Wines and Tasty Beets!

        If you live in the Bay Area, or can get out there for a long weekend, don’t miss this Earth Day celebration on April 22 at the glorious Iron Horse Vineyards in Sebastopol, just 90 minutes north of San Francisco. Eight of the best wineries in the Russian Valley will provide […]


Brightcove Says Quality Comes from Locally Encoded Flash: New ABC Video Player is Awesome But Doesn’t Work on My New Vista PC :(

Click To Play View a transcript of this interview I was in Cambridge a few weeks ago to visit the headquarters of Brightcove where I met Sanjay Desai who heads product marketing for the fast-growing online video services company. Sanjay is proud of the picture quality and efficiency of the stream. Brightcove provides both a […]


Jeff Jarvis Lands Joe Biden on His New Citizen Videoblog about Campaign 2008

Click To Play I spoke with the BuzzMachine himself Jeff Jarvis (that’s not him in the image above but he’s on the clip) the other day about his latest online venture, PrezVid, a site and YouTube channel that provides a forum for citizens to upload questions for the presidential candidates to answer.    He told […]


WashPost Online Exec Editor: Journalists Have No Choice but to Change and to Promote Their Work

Click To Play View a transcript of this interview Mainstream media is fighting for the attention of its readers on a quickly changing playing field these. Big publishers, including The Washington Post are trying to figure out how to reinvent themselves and their news operations.  Here is the second installment of my two interviews with […] Exec Editor Mulls YouTube for Video Distribution: The New York Times Grabs Smart Dartmouth Grad for New Blog

Click To Play View a transcript of this interview Since 1999, The Washington Post has been in the forefront  of the newspaper industry in integrating video. Last week, I sat down with Jim Brady, Executive Editor in the newsroom of, the online division of the newspaper, to talk about the Post and online video. […]


YouTube Explains New Site Enhancements in Homey Video shot in San Bruno…Social Functions Become Deeper

Communique from San Bruno: Unidentified YouTube Spokesperson (above) explains Site Updates Beet.TV reported first on Wednesday that YouTube was set to revise the site later that night. Regretably, we didn’t get our information quite right, but there were indeed a number of updates made to the enormously popular site that night. Well, YouTube staffers have […]


NBC/News Corp Video Venture to Keep 90 Percent of Ad Revenue, The New York Times Reports

The recently announced joint venture of NBC Universal and News Corporation is not so much a "YouTube killer" as an advertising syndication platform.  According to Sunday’s New York Times, the new venture may keep as much as 90 percent of the ad sales, which is a fairly hefty amount in the syndication world.  Here’s what […]

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