Andy Plesser
IPTV Innovation in France: Dailymotion App on Microsoft’s Xbox is Platform for Orange TV Channels
MONACO — In a major alliance with Microsoft, France Telecom’s Orange is delivering its offering of television channels to its customers via the Dailymotion app on the Xbox in France, explains Stephanie Hospital, EVP for Digital in this interview with Beet.TV
AOL Ad Chief: We’re Going “Native” with Branded Video
MONACO — As AOL has been increasing its video operations via AOL On, a video syndication business along with its Web original programming, there is a growing big opportunity in “native” video advertising, says Ned Brody, Chief Revenue Officer of AOL, in this interview with Beet.TV
Discovery’s Revision3 Doubles Down on Video Game Coverage
MONACO – With its acquisition earlier this year by Discovery Communuications, the San Francisco-based digital video network is expaning its video game coverage with the hiring of Adam Sessler, says Jim Louderback, Revision3’s CEO in this interview with Beet.TV
Web Video Industry Chief Forecasts 1000 Original Series in 2013
Web original series are continuing to grow and will reach 1000, says Paul Kontonis, Chairman of the International Academy of Web Television in this interview with Beet.TV
The BBC Needs to “Stop the Self-Flaggelation,” Media Writer Robert Andrews
MONACO — While there have been series problems in reporting at the BBC recently, the broadcaster should stop its “self- flagellation,” says Robert Andrew, Senior International Editor at paidContent and GigaOm, in this inteview with Beet.TV
Dark Secret: Pirate Sites Profiting with Brand Advertising via Legit Ad Networks, Annenberg’s Taplin
MONACO — Top brands are unwittingly supporting pirate music and fil sites with large volumes of display ads sold through ad networks, says Jonathan Taplin, Director of the USC Annenberg Innovation Lab, in this interview with Beet.TV
AOL is Building a “Video Exchange” with Brightcove, Kaltura
MONACO – With its just-announced integration with the big online video platform Kaltura, and its existing relationship with Brightcove, AOL is building a sort of "video exchange" explains Ran Harnevo, SVP for Video at AOL, in this interview with Beet.TV
Vimeo Launches Full Length Film Programming in Pay-to-View Scenario
In what could become a giant, global art cinema, IAC unit Vimeo, the popular video sharing site for the creative community, has announced the first steps in presenting full length films on a pay-to-view basis. The program will begin with six films this month with a bigger roll-out in 2013.
Heading to Monaco: Exploring the Value of Digital Video with Alphabird, AOL, GlibHippo and Videology
Very pleased to be heading to Monaco this week where I'll be moderating a panel on the changing valuation of digital video with Alphabird CEO Chase Norlin, Videology CEO Scott Ferber, Josh Mortensen MD and founder of Denmark's GlibHippo and René Rechtman/CEO, of London's Goviral & SVP International AOL Advertising Group.
With 10 Million Live Streams on Election NIght. ABC News Digital Chief: “We’re Rivaling Cable News”
One year into an alliance with Yahoo! to stream live news events, and to produce original programming for digital devices, ABC News is “rivaling” the reach of cable networks around big events including this Election Night, says Joe Ruffolo, SVP for Digital at ABC News in this interview with Beet.TV
A Tasty Second Screen: Bravo Integrates Zeebox with “Life After Top Chef”
Bravo has launched its first Zeebox integration with its series Life After Top Chef, says Lisa Hsia, EVP of Digital Media at Bravo, a NBC Universal unit, in this interview with Beet.TV
Hurricane Sandy Drives Record Traffic to AOL’s Patch Properties
AOL's network of localized news web sites, called Patch, had record traffic during Hurricane Sandy and its aftermath says John Brod, President and co-founder of Patch.
Video Syndicator NDN Has Double Views of Facebook
NDN, the Atlanta-based video news and sports syndicator, is in comsScore’s top-ten U.S. video rankings. With 423 million video views in September, it had nearly twice as many video views as Facebook and more than both the Viacom and the Microsoft sites.
NBC News Readies First “Second Screen” Election Night with Zeebox Integration
The live streaming of multiple video feeds across assorted devices including Xbox, tablets and mobile phones will be part of the new television landscape of election night, says Stokes Young, Executive Producer of Multimedia and Video at in this interview with Beet.TV
AOL Taps Patch to Organize Hurricane Sandy Relief
Using Patch, its network of local digital publications, AOL organized some 500 employees to purchase and deliver needed supplies to towns in New Jersey and New York impacted by Hurricane Sandy.
The AP’s Plan to “Manage the Noise” of Social Media on Election Night
With social media expected to create a great deal of "noise" and make for "a confusing time for alot of people" around the election returns, the Associated Press is telling its staffers not to share the "race calls" by other news organizations, says Eric Carvin, Social Media Editor in this interview with Beet.TV
Shazam Lights up the “Second Screen” for Advertisers in 150 TV Campaigns
Shazam, the app for smart phones and tablets which "listens" to television shows and immediately surfaces up related information, has been used by major brands in 150 television campaigns, says David Jones, EVP for marketing, in this interview with Beet.TV
Hurricane Sandy Brings The Weather Channel Record 40 Million Video Views
With intense interest in the path of Hurricane Sandy, the Weather Channel recorded some 40 million video views yesterday, Sunday (10.28), making it the busiest video day ever, a spokeswoman told Beet.TV today. She expects today’s numbers to be even higher.
Bravo Ups Social Media Around Reality Series “Start-ups: Silicon Valley” with Influence Rankings
Bravo is turning up the volume around the launch of its upcoming reality TV series Start-ups: Silicon Valley with an interactive platform that ranks the influence of paricipants, and puts their ranking and faces on six electronic billboards on Highway 101, just south of San Francisco.
Video Creators for the “Second Screen” win $300K Production Deal from Samsung
As more consumers use a "second screen" video device (tablet/mobile/notebook) to supplement their television viewing, content creators will have an opportunity to make content specifically for a "second screen," says Eric Anderson, head of content and product solutions for Samsung North America, in this interview.