Andy Plesser
Mashable Makes Big Move Into Video Production and Syndication
From news updates, reviews and long-form, branded shows, Mashable is making a big commitment to digital video programming and syndication, says Adam Ostrow, Executive Editor in this interview with Beet.TV He says that Mashable will be surfacing third-party video content. And, the company has entered into syndicators to expand the reach of Mashable videos beyond […]
Yahoo’s Levinsohn: We Are Investing Heavily in Premium Content”
Yahoo! is investing heavily in original, premium video for the Web, says Ross Levinsohn, Yahoo! EVP for the America's in this intview with Beet.TV at yesterday's Digital New Front event where the company unveiled a slate of new shows.
Yahoo! Media Chief: “Video on the Internet has Come of Age”
Video on the Internet has come of age and there is a big movement to premium content, says Mickie Rosen, SVP, Media Network, Yahoo! in this interview with Beet.TV
Microsoft Touts Xbox LIVE as Digital Advertising Platform
Xbox LIVE is Microsoft’s most innovative and differentiated offering for video advertising, says Rick Song, GM for Microsoft Advertising, East Coast, in this interiew with Beet.TV
AOL CEO Tim Armstrong: We Believe in Video
At that AOL New Fronts event last night, the main event was the announcement of new video portal called AOL On.
AOL Launches Big Video Portal of Aggregated and Original Videos
AOL has launched new video destination comprised of 14 channels, involving some 1000 top video publishers and over 300,000 videos and a number of new, original made for the Web programs.
The “Addressable” Electorate: Microsoft Xbox LIVE and 2012 Presidential Election
Microsoft's Xbox LIVE, the fast growing gaming console, which has become a primary video consumption platform for some 40 million users around the globe, allows advertisers to reach highly specific audiences according to interests, gender, location and other factors.
Adobe Releases Creative Suite 6 (CS6) and Cloud-Based Video Production Tools
Today, Adobe is releasing its latest video production and editing package Creative Suite 6 (CS6).
Ooyala’s Sean Knapp: Use Auto Play Wisely
Having a video start automatically when a Web page loads can be appreciated or annoying — valuable and destructive, says Sean Knapp, co-founder and Chief Technology Officer or the Ooyala, the big video services company.
Limelight Networks Sees Stability in Bandwidth Costs
LAS VEGAS — Pricing compression for Internet bandwidth is “definitely alleviating” says Limelight Network’s Json Thibeault in this interview with Beet.TV earlier this week on the floor of NAB.
Kit Digital Introduces Social TV Platform at NAB
LAS VEGAS — Kit Digital, the big global, Prague-based provider of digital video services, has introduced a set of social media tools to its platform at the NAB Show this week.
comScore: Brightroll Tops Online Video Ad Nets in March
Brightroll, the big San Francisco-based online video ad network and exchange has topped the latest comScore rankings for online video ad properties among the its competitive set of ad networks and exchanges. (Brightroll ranks third in the overall category with Hulu and Google in the first and second spots.)
“The Third Wave” of The Video Revolution: “It is Acceptable to Pay for Content”
LAS VEGAS – Thanks in part to the wide-spread use of paid services for video on demand including Amazon, Netflix and Hulu, it is now "acceptable to pay for content," says Brightcove's Eric Elia in this interview from the NAB Show.
BreakingNews, Staffing Up, Releases SmartTV App for News Alerts
LAS VEGAS — BreakingNews, the influential aggregator of global breaking news, has released the first of its kind App for Samsung smart TV's which pops up news when it happens.
Livestream Debuts Camera-Mounted Wireless Streaming Device, New Ad-Free Pricing
LAS VEGAS — Livestream, the popular free-webcast service which claims some 30 million users, demo'd at the NAB conference some big developments including a camera-mounted device to stream video directly to the Web via WiFi or cellular, and a new ad-free model for event producers.
Adobe’s Jeremy Helfand on the State of Online Video Advertising
LAS VEGAS, NV – Mid-roll ads are the most engaging, live is more engaging than on-demand and mobile viewing drives high engagement with advertising, says Adobe's Jeremy Helfand, VP for Video Monetization, citing a report issued this week at the NAB Show.
Microsoft: Moving the World’s Media Streaming to the Cloud — “We are buying hundreds of thousands of servers”
LAS VEGAS, Microsoft has taken the wraps off its Media Plaform which is now hosted on Windows Azure, here at the NAB Show.
New Live Streaming Standard Championed by Akamai at NAB
LAS VEGAS — Some 50 of the industry’s leading video services companies are rallying around a unified live video streaming protocol known as DASH, says Akamai’s Will Law, Principal Architect, Media Division, in this interview with Beet.TV
The “Holy Grail” of Addressable TV Will Emerge with Consumer Data, MEC’s Jen Soch
The notion of addressable TV, a scenario in which broadcasters and marketers "narrowcast" content on a one-to-one basis to a viewer, is still very much in the early stages, but it can become a reality if marketers use consumer data to reach specific individuals.
Video Ad Units Must be Interactive, Real Media Group’s Ari Bluman
Video is enjoying a huge surge in demand says Ari Bluman, President, North America, of Real Media Group, a unit of WPP.