Ogilvy Creates Online Video Practice Group, Headed by Robert John Davis

Ogilvy & Mather, the giant advertising agency unit of WPP, has formed a dedicated online video practice area headed by Robert John Davis. 


Apple’s Final Cut 10 Troubled Intro “Has Made Eyeballs Turn” to Adobe’s Premiere

SAN FRANCISCO — With its update to the latest version of Final Cut, Apple has upset many users and has created an opportunity for Adobe's Premiere, according to Al Mooney, Product Manager for Premiere, in this interview with Beet.TV.


Breakthrough: UGC is Finally a Reality for Marketers with Eric Schmidt-backed VideoGenie

VideoGenie, a San Francisco-based video platform company, backed by Google's Eric Schmidt's venture fund along with others, has developed a solution for consumers to easily upload and share brief video clips on a company's site about its goods and services.


The Emerging Value of Live Video for eCommerce Sites

While nearly half of major e-commerce sites have some sort of video on their pages, very few have live video streaming, but that will change, says Stuart Schultz, who just launched a skincare e-commerce site with both live and on-demand clips.


IAC’s Vimeo Claims 50 Million Unique Users Worldwide, Cites Big Growth in Europe

Vimeo, the video sharing site of choice for many independent content creators, has reached 50 million users worldwide up from 30 million a year ago.


Dailymotion is Fastest Growing U.S. Video Destination, Beats Yahoo, Nielsen Reports

Dailymotion, the French-owned online video site, is the fastest growing of the "top" video sites in the U.S. as measured by monthly video streams. 


Video: Scribd Launches “Float,” New Reading App for the Web and iPad

Scribd, the San Francisco-based document sharing company, has launched an App to read a variety of text files on the Web and on the iPhone, the company announced today.


Mobile Marketers Embracing Self-Contained Ad Units

While most online advertising has been created to encourage consumers to click to a marketer's site, mobile advertising is different and and advertising is increasingly self-contained, providing consumers with microsites, says Catherine Spurway-Hepler, SVP of Strategy at PointRoll, the digital advertising services unit of Gannett.


Rich Media Ad Standardization for Mobile Nearly Ready, IAB’s Anna Bager

The Interactive Advertising Bureau, the IAB, will finalize advertising standards for rich mobile media by "early this fall," says Anna Bager, who heads the Mobile Marketing Center of Excellence at the IAB.


ESPN Has Big Hit with Women’s Soccer, Online and on TV

Wednesday's semi-final World Cup soccer match between France and USA generated 450,000 unique video views on ESPN3.com, the company said today.


Exclusive: U.S. Mobile Ad Sales to Top $1 Billion in 2011, IAB’s Anna Bager

While mobile advertising is a tiny slice of the global advertising pie, "its growth is huge…..and exponential," says Anna Bager who heads the IAB's Mobile Marketing Center of Excellence. 


ZenithOptimedia Study: Internet to Pass Newspapers as Number Two Ad Medium in 2013

In its global report on the state of advertising, advertising media buying firm ZenithOptimedia predicts that the Internet will pass newspapers in 2013 to become the second largest advertising medium, well behind television.


Reuters’ Digital News Chief: “This is the Most Amazing Story Around”

The appointment of Anthony De Rosa, a product manager at Reuters who quickly became the company's Social Media editor, is "the most amazing (journalism) story around," says Jim Impoco, Executive Editor, Thomson Reuters Digital, in this inteview with Beet.TV.


TouchStorm’s Howdini Mixing Branded and Unsponsored “How to Videos”

Howdini, one of the biggest "how to" video players, has served some 70 million video views for cake recipies for Betty Crocker, says Alison Provost, CEO and founder of parent company TouchStorm. 


The New York Times Releases App for Windows 7 with Deep Video Sharing Functionality

The New York Times has just released an App for Windows 7 mobile devices.


Giant Video Ad Exchange Now Serving Premium Publishers, says adBrite CEO

adBrite, the biggest independent ad exchange for digital media, is directing as much as 1.5 billion video ad views per month, including an increasing number of ads seen on premium sites, says adBrite CEO Iggy Fanlo in this interview with Beet.TV.


Online Video’s Troubling Ad Equation: Less Transparency Means Lower Cost

In making online video buying decisions, marketers face the choice of spending more for video when they know where their ads are placed versus paying less when their ads are matched with videos through exchanges and video ad networks, says Vipin Mayar, Global Director of Performance Analytics for McCann Worldwide in this interview with Beet.TV.


How Kara Swisher Gets Her Scoops: “Tasers and Idle Threats”

Here on the streets of Manhattan last week, we spoke with Kara Swisher, Co-Executive Editor of All Things Digital,  about her Loeb award and her definition of blogging (it’s the same as reporting, she says).


WHOA!!! AOLVideo Sponsoring Beet.TV in a Big Way

I am very pleased to report that AOL Video is the exclusive sponsor of Beet.TV for the months of July and September.


“There is a Dark Side” to Online Video Advertising, Adap.tv President

While most of the online video ecosystem is fine, "there is a dark side," where some companies artificially increase view rates, while others place inventory in unwanted locations, says Toby Gabriner, President of Adap.tv. 

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