PJ Crowley on The Arab Spring: How Social Media Ignited a Revolutionary Movement

The Arab Spring is not a “Twitter revolution,” but  a real revolution in which social tools including Twitter, Facebook and YouTube played a central role in organizing movements, says PJ Crowley, former Assistant Secretary of State for Public Affairs, in this interview with Beet.TV


Aol’s Video Strategy: Clips on “Every Page” with New Template and New Media Rich Display Unit

With the widespread implementation of a rich media ad unit called "Project Devil," and a standardized, in-page video template, Aol will soon have "video on every page," says Jeff Levick, President of Global Advertising and Strategy at Aol in this interview with Beet.TV.


TidalTV Finds Upside in “Ad Decisioning” around Online Video

Scott Ferber, the Baltimore-based entrepreneur who created and later sold Advertising.com to Aol, launched TidalTV, an online video ad optimization platform, in 2007. 


Panache Has New Interactive Ads in HTTP Live Streaming (HLS)

Los Angeles-based Panache has introduced a technology to allow publishers to insert interactive advertising into live streaming on multiple devices including Apple iOS and Android devices.


Webby Award Winner: Kenya’s Crowd-Mapping Start-up Ushahidi

Last night, TED's Chris Anderson awarded a Special Achievement (RED) Webby Award to Ushahidi, the Nairobi-based crowd-sourcing start-up. He presented it to co-founder David Kobia.


Blip.tv’s Dina Kaplan Touts Site Relaunch, Big Content Catch and Surging Traffic

It's been a busy few weeks for Blip.tv, the big New York-based video site for eposodic programming.  It went through a complete site redesign, becoming an entertainment destination site, and bulked up its roster of orginal programming with a new distribution agreement with The Collective.


Auditude Expanding Services for DailyMotion and Major League Baseball

Auditude, the Palo Alto-based provider of IP video advertising services, is deepening its relationship with DailyMotion, the enormous Paris-based video site, and with New York-based Major League Baseball.


Egyptian Filmmaker Uses Twitter to Gather 300 GB of Revolution Video

Amr Salama, an Egyptian filmmaker and a central figure in creating the alternative media universe during the revolution in Egypt, is finishing a documentary about the historic events. 


Google is Building a “Global Classroom” with “YouTube EDU”

Having launched just over two years ago as a hub for colleges' and universities' YouTube channels, YouTube EDU has become a destination for education, providing an index for a broad range of topics and campus activities, says Angela Lin who manages the education program at YouTube.


“The Revolution Will Not be Televised,” Gil Scott-Heron Rant Resonates on Madison Ave

To be sure, it seemed like an odd choice of music for the 500 marketers, agency execs and Hollywood producers as they settled in their chairs for the start of the Digitas NewFront event during Internet Week.


Conan Headlines YouTube’s First Live Campus Commencement at Dartmouth Sunday Morning

SAN BRUNO/HANOVER/PALO ALTO — YouTube, which has recently introduced its live streaming platform, will stream its first live commencement from Dartmouth College in Hanover, New Hampshire this Sunday (6.12) at 9:30 a.m. EDT on Dartmouth's YouTube channel.


“Non-Working” Media Buying for Big Brands Could Reach Fifty Percent

With social media "blowing up" the marketing landscape, "non-working" media, as opposed to traditional media buys, could reach fifty percent  of budgets for some big brands, says Jordan Bitterman, SVP and Social Media Practice Director at Digitas in this interview with Beet.TV


Break Media Creating Video Programming for Women

Break Media, the big Los Angeles-based creator of humor programming for young men, is  producing programming for woman, with two shows in the works, says Jonathan Small, editorial chief for the network.


New Web Video Awards Program Announced by IAWTV

The International Academy of Web Television (IAWTV), a national association of video creators, has announced its first awards program for excellence in over twenty categories.


ABC on the iPad: Two Million Apps Downloaded and 28 Million Episodes Seen

ABC is the only television network with an App for episodes for the iPad.  Since the launch, the App has been downloaded two million times and 28 million episodes have been streamed, says Albert Cheng, EVP for Digital Disney/ABC Television.


YouTube Expects Half of Ad Spending to be Cost Per View by 2015

The conventional means of charging for online video at a cost per thousand impressions (CPM) for video ads is quickly changing.


Aol Building Branded “Experience” not Branded “Entertainment”

With the launch of the Heidi Klum site and video series, Aol is not creating a new "show" per se, but a branded "experience," says Jeff Levick, President of  Global Advertising and Strategy, as he explains in this interview with Beet.TV.


Exclusive: New York Times Recommendation Engine Generated 17 Million Views in April

As part of the New York Times new paid subscription program, the paper is seeking greater "engagement" with readers, says Denise Warren, General Manager of the NYTimes.com in this interview with Beet.TV.


The Wall Street Journal has 200K Subscribers to Mobile Apps, Tablets and eReaders

Digital consumption is growing at the Wall Street Journal Network, where some 200,000 subscriptions to mobile Apps, tablets and eReaders have been sold, according the General Manager Alisa Bowen.


Yahoo Readies “Dramatic Expansion” of Web Video Including Scripted Shows

Yahoo has 26 Web original programs, and claims the most traffic for nine out of the top ten Web's original shows.  

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